Wednesday, September 12, 2012

PART TWO - Chocolate and the Master's Helper


This installment is entitled:

Chocolate And the Master’s Helper
Chocolate realized she had gotten somewhere. She turned and looked back – and what she saw surprised her!

Chocolate saw the road behind her. It was long and winding. It seemed like it went on forever. Then Chocolate turned back.
Again – Chocolate was surprised at what she saw! It looked the same – yet she knew it would be different!

Chocolate took a step forward. As soon as she stepped forward, she noticed someone at her side. Who was this?
“Who are you?” asked Chocolate. “I’m the Master’s Helper,” replied Helper. “Do you work for the Master Chocolatier?” asked Chocolate.

“Yes and no,” replied Helper. “We work together on things. He is the thinker-doer. I help him in all he does. All is done in unity and harmony.”
“Really?” asked Chocolate. “Why are you with me now?” “I am here to help you with your next step,” replied Helper.

“What IS my next step?” asked Chocolate. “Let’s walk a bit, and I’ll tell you,” replied Helper.
As the Helper and Chocolate walked along, Chocolate looked to her left, then to her right. “Keep your eyes straight ahead,” said the Helper.

“Why?” asked Chocolate. Helper didn’t respond right away. He let Chocolate think about it for a minute.
“Because your focus is what the Master Chocolatier has planned for you. In looking around, you miss what’s in front of you,” said Helper.

“Oh,” replied Chocolate. “Look!” exclaimed Helper. “There’s our first destination.” Chocolate looked but didn’t see anything at first.
“Help me! I’m cold! I need a cover!” cried Coconut, a center of a Coconut Ball.  “I need to be enrobed  - to finish my created purpose by Master Chocolatier!”

Helper leaned into Chocolate. “Go put your arms totally around Coconut, and in doing so, you’ll be enriched yourself.”
Chocolate moved closer to Coconut, who sat shivering at the side of the road. And Chocolate poured out of her heart until Coconut was totally covered.

Coconut felt the warm, tempered chocolate cover her like a blanket. Before she knew it, Helper had also come over.  He sprinkled a bit more coconut on top!
“We have to continue our journey,” said Helper.  Chocolate nodded and followed Helper back to the middle of the road. What’s next, thought Chocolate.

A bit further down the road, Chocolate and Helper discovered a chopped Cashew. “Help me chocolate…I’m in pieces,” said Cashew.
“I’ll be glad to,” said Chocolate, as she poured herself over Cashew and totally enveloped him. This is exciting, thought Chocolate. She looked around for someone else to pour herself out on.

Helper stayed with Cashew until he was “set.” He called out to Chocolate. “Wait for me! Don’t go off half-cocked!”
Chocolate rushed over to a Peanut Butter Ball, and a chopped and roasted Almond and finally to Ganache. She poured herself and totally enveloped them all with her love.

Chocolate felt someone come up to her. “Hello, I’m Sacc-Aryn.” (SAC-arr-een). “I see how you pour yourself out.” His voice was uncannily sweet.
“Why thank you, uh, Sac-Aryn, is it?” “Yes, SAC-arr-een. You pronounced it correctly. I would love to get together with you. How would you like to partner with ME?”

Sac-Aryn’s voice was very smooth and sweet, yet Chocolate felt a little uneasy, but surely there was nothing the matter.
“Oh come on now, don’t be shy,” said Sac-Aryn. “I won’t hurt you. This is a partnership. You and I will be together - forever!”

“I don’t know about this. Master Chocolatier didn’t say I should ‘join’ myself with someone. I was just to pour out,” said Chocolate.
“Really? The Master Chocolatier said not to join yourself with anyone?” asked Sac-Aryn.  He laughed a strange laugh. Chocolate didn’t know what to think.

“It’s really OK to join yourself with me,” said Sac-Aryn. “I’ll show you things the Master Chocolatier never could! I’ll make you into something better!”
Chocolate thought about this. She desired to be “better” at enrobing and pouring herself out.  He looks OK. He sounds OK. What would be wrong with improving herself?

Chocolate gave herself over to Sac-Aryn. Oh no! Something was wrong! Chocolate’s texture was all gooey and rubbery! She couldn’t help anyone anymore.
Sac-Aryn laughed with glee! “Hee hee hee! Gotcha!! I am the Father of Appearances. I appear as sweetness, but I love to ruin tempered chocolate!”

Chocolate wanted to cry…but she couldn’t. All she’d been through – everyone she’d helped – was it all for nothing? “Help Master Chocolatier! Help Master’s Helper!”
Sac-Aryn left her then, snorting with great satisfaction. “The Master Chocolatier can never put you back to temper! You’ll be thrown out!”

“Oh no! It can’t be true!”cried Chocolate. She moaned and moaned. Then she saw Helper and her hope came back.
“Helper, please help me! I’ve given myself to the wrong thing! Sac-Aryn said I’m ruined! Is there any hope for me?” Chocolate groaned.

Helper came and put his arm around Chocolate. “Come, let’s go back to the Master Chocolatier.”

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Part I - The Master Chocolatier & the 2.2-lb block of Chocolate

Welcome to the Chocolate Saga Blog! I started this saga on Twitter several years ago - so it is written in that style...if you don't mind...I'll be adding pictures...

The first installment is called:

The Master Chocolatier & the 2.2-lb. block of chocolate
Once upon a time, there was a block of chocolate that wanted to be used by the Master Chocolatier.
This 2.2-lb. block of dark chocolate was very lonely and wanted to be used, but didn't know what to do. After all, it's just a big block.
So...the Master Chocolatier said, "We have to break it into pieces..." And the block of chocolate trembled as the Master's knife went in.
The block of chocolate screamed inwardly from the pain of the Master Chocolatier’s knife.  It hurt! “It’s going to be OK,” said the Master Chocolatier.

Chocolate couldn’t hear the Master Chocolatier because of her screams, her cries, & her pain. Finally, the Master said, “The breaking is over.”
Chocolate was in the depths of despair. She was broken into a million pieces, it seemed. Everywhere she looked, she saw pieces of her heart.
 She sighed inwardly, thinking, “Whew, it’s over. I’ll be OK.” Then, things got really hot! “Ouch! That’s hot! What’s happening now?”
“You’re being melted. It’s the next step,” replied the Master Chocolatier. “What?!” exclaimed Chocolate.
“It’s HOT! It HURTS!” exclaimed Chocolate. The Master said, “Don’t worry, you’ll be OK. You’re just melted. Trust Me.”
The Master gathered up all the pieces of Chocolate’s heart and put them in a melting pot.
Chocolate felt that she would die! But at least she would “die”! She began to melt under the heat of the pot. All the hard pieces melted away…
Then Chocolate felt a stirring in her soul. The Master Chocolatier was stirring her! What did that mean?
It was hot in the melting pot. Chocolate felt the hard places in her heart begin to melt in the heat. But strangely, she felt peace.
As she looked up, Chocolate saw the Master Chocolatier looking at her.  “This stirring will accomplish two things,” He said.
“You will be stirred to do good things, where before you did bad things. And, the bad things will be stirred up in order to be melted out of you.”
For many days, Chocolate was stirred, and stirred, and stirred. She thought it would never end. “When, O Master, will this end?”
“It will be time, when you are totally liquid,” The Master Chocolatier added.
Finally, the stirring stopped. Chocolate wondered what would happen next. She felt an anticipation, which brought excitement, yet peace. She waited.
It seemed like an eternity of waiting. Something began to happen. “What’s happening now?” asked Chocolate.
“Tempered Seed is being put into you,” said the Master Chocolatier. “It will temper you. As it melts it blends with your heart.”
Chocolate sighed.  “Oh….This feels wonderful!” The seed started lowering Chocolate’s temperature. A cooling began. It was very comforting.
“Uh-oh! I’m being stirred and stirred again!” exclaimed Chocolate. “It’s OK,” said the Master Chocolatier. This is your final stirring before you’re in temper.”
“In temper? What does that mean, Master?” asked Chocolate. “It means – you’ll be in a state where you can be used of me. It’s the desire of your heart, is it not?” replied the Master.
“Oh yes Master! Yes! Use me as You want!” exclaimed Chocolate. “I shall,” replied the Master Chocolatier.
As Chocolate entered into “temper” – she found that the old things that hindered her were gone! Her fears, her “little foxes“ and her angry temper – were gone!
As Chocolate became 88 degrees (the perfect temperature for dark chocolate), part of her was poured into a mold of praying hands. Part of her was used as decoration.
“Oooohh, this chocolate is so good and so sweet!” said a chocolate consumer. “That snap, that gloss.” That Chocolatier knew how to temper chocolate!
And Chocolate lived happily ever after! Molded by The Master Chocolatier!

P.S. When I originally wrote this, I had no idea there would be more installments, so I wrote it like a fairy tale...